Park Slope Plumbing Tips on Preventing a Plumbing Disaster

Aug 5, 2016 | Plumbing Advice

If you ever have a Park Slope plumbing disaster, you will soon find out that water damage is very expensive to repair, and your home becomes a haven for mold and mildew growth until those repairs are complete. To avoid having to worry about water damage, it is best you take some preventative measures. Here, we would like to provide you with a few tips on how to prevent water damage to your home.

Park Slope Plumbing Vacation Tips

Plan When Away

If you are going to be gone for an extended period, you will want to plan for any issues. Turn off the water valves to appliances so there’s no water in the system. Have someone look in on your home and provide the contact information for your plumber. It may sound silly to plan for plumbing emergencies, but the fact of the matter is, you just never know when your pipes could burst, so it is best to err on the side of caution.

Regular Maintenance

Malfunctioning appliances, rusted pipes, and clogged drains can cause a host of problems. It is best to address all plumbing issues as soon as they occur, and schedule regular maintenance calls for your appliances. Addressing issues before they arise can help prevent major plumbing problems. Even if it is something you believe you can fix yourself, such as a clogged drain, takes a professional to ensure the problem was properly addressed.

Keep Track of Water Usage

If you are noticing your water usage is increasing, this could be an indicator you may have water damage. Pipes develop leaks before they burst, and those small drips can add up to big damage. Make a habit of reviewing your water bills. If you notice one much higher than usual, with no explanation, have a Park Slope plumbing service inspect your pipes.

If you find yourself with a plumbing emergency, please contact Aladdin Plumbing team right away.

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