Think Ahead, Brooklyn Heights Plumber Can Evaluate Old Radiators

Sep 15, 2016 | Plumbing Advice

In much of the New York City area, there are charming historic features in the older homes. Just take a look at one of the old Brownstones and you can picture the detailed woodwork, quaint fireplaces, and probably old radiator heat. Many homeowners who have radiators automatically assume the system is old and outdated, but it is always good to have a professional look at it. A knowledgeable Brooklyn Heights plumber can determine how well yours work.

Brooklyn Heights Plumber Evaluates Old Radiators

Radiators work in conjunction with a hot water boiler. The boiler heats up water which is sent to the radiators. Then, the warm radiators warm the air around them. Many people with heating problems take a look at radiators and assume they are the problem. In reality, many times the radiators are fine, but the boiler needs to be tuned up or replaced.

Once it is determined that the boiler is working properly, then radiators can be evaluated to make sure there are no leaks and that they are adjusted correctly. For those who are not a fan of radiators, there are other hot water systems that are efficient and do a great job heating homes as well as commercial spaces. Hot water baseboards and radiant floor heat also work with a boiler to provide even heat to the rooms they are used in. Many people prefer these types of heat over forced hot air because it is not as drying, and it does not blow around dust and other allergens. Of course, the radiant floor heat has the added benefit of keeping feet warm in the winter, which goes a long way in keeping everyone comfortable without having to invest in slippers constantly.

If your home has a boiler, it is important to make sure it is working correctly and efficiently before winter arrives. If your home also has radiators, they can usually be tweaked and adjusted to ensure they provide adequate heat even on the coldest days. For more information on boilers, radiators, and other options for boiler systems, contact your Brooklyn Heights plumber, Aladdin Plumbing today.

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